No More Extra Class for 5UTM
Computer Lab 2 will be available on Monday and Tuesday from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm as the extra classes for 5UTM is cancelled. They can only enter computer lab during school hours. I will not hesitate to give them 0 mark for their incomplete assessment. Other students are warned not to disobey your teachers or misbehave and furthermore hurt your teacher's feeling. I am very disappointed with 5UTM students behaviour on tuesday, 14 April 2009, after toolbook lesson. I remembered that they have been warned last year, also they have made promises but they broke it as if there's nothing much with promises. I won't bother if they fail. I felt angry and sad at the same time because they always take things for granted. They do not appreciate the teacher's sacrifices. 4 ICT prefects from 5UTM are sacked from their post. No contribution marks for them.
spatutnye mereka dibuang skewla....
kyte kne bg pluang pde mreke..
cian mreke..
mreke p0wn n0q blaja jgak..
tp xpe la..
2 hak cikgu..
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