ICT Prefects Workshop
A workshop for ICT prefects will be held on Saturday, 25 April 2009, 8.00 am - 12.00 pm. You will learn how to
1. format a computer
2. install windows xp operating system
3. install computer software drivers
4. install anti-virus
5. install microsoft office
6. install c cleaner
7. install netsupport
Attendance is compulsory.
cikgu hari sabtu ni ade perjumpaan ke?
What kind of question is this? do you know how to read? or simply you dont understand english. open your dictionary if you do not understand the words written. Besides, I've made announcement during school assembly in Bahasa Malaysia.
assalamualaikum,cikgu macamana nak buat broshur format computer n install windows xp
1. Cari bahan guna google, How to format and install windows xp.
2. Kumpulkan beberapa bahan.
3. Bina brochure anda dengan microsoft publisher.
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