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Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Post (ICT prefects - Pengawas ICT) for TSNI student

Our principal Puan Hjh Minati binti Hamir has agreed to appoint new post for the students that is ICT Prefects (Pengawas ICT). These are the job list for ICT prefects.
1. Computer housekeeping
- (scan virus, update virus, registry cleaning, hard drives cleaning, hard drives defragmentation)
- once per computer per week.
- estimated time taken for housekeeping is 30 minutes and above per computer.
2. Fill up documents KEW PA-2.
3. Identify computer error and then fill up maintenance form KEW PA-9 (computer error report).
4. Helps to control usage of computer in
- Computer Lab (Makmal Komputer) and Access Centre Room (Bilik Pusat Akses).
5. Helps other things related to ICT world.
ICT prefects benefits.
1. Will be appointed during assembly.
2. Will receive a vest and new name tag with larnyard.
3. Will gain marks for co-curriculum activities.
4. Will be trained as an assistant computer technician.
5. And many more benefits...


Anonymous said...

saya nak jadi pengawas

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